【摘 要】
Enhanced oil reeovery with CO2 (CO2-EOR) is considered as a cost effective way for carbon capture and storage.However, due to the complexity of geological structure in underground reservoirs, long-ter
【机 构】
Department of Biological & Environmental Sciences,PO Box 1927,Alabama A & M University,Normal,AL 357
【出 处】
Enhanced oil reeovery with CO2 (CO2-EOR) is considered as a cost effective way for carbon capture and storage.However, due to the complexity of geological structure in underground reservoirs, long-term leakage is possible.A case study of CO2-EOR has been conducted at Citronelle, Alabama in USA.The total of 8,036-ton of CO2 was injected and some leakages via production were identified by isotopic analysis in May 2010.In this study, remote sensing data of CO2 and CH4 concentrations,and aerosol optical depth (AOD) at a large scale were used to monitor emissions to atmosphere at the study site.Based on the dynamics of monthly CO2 and CH4 concentrations in atmosphere at the study site and surrounding areas, some possible abnormal values were identified at different time scales.The annual average of ratios between CO2 concentration and CH4 concentration reaehed the highest value in 2009.The annual average of monthly AOD was relative lower at the study site than the surrounding areas, but it became higher after 2007.Remote sensing data could be used to monitor and evaluate emissions from CO2-EOR at a large scale and provide helpful information for ecologieal assessment of CO2-EOR.
为了更好地掌握中国特有观赏树种深山含笑(Micehlia maudiae Dunn)的花部变异情况,探讨其遗传育种学意义,本研究对昆明树木园内栽培的10株深山含笑的65朵花花部的数量、大小及形态变异进行了观测和统计分析,结果表明:深山含笑花部的数量、大小及形态性状均有变异.花短枝具佛焰苞状鳞片3-5枚,花被片7-12片、雄蕊47-97枚、心皮15-42枚、每心皮胚珠2-13粒;花短枝节间长0.09
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本文应用BIOME4生态系统模型,以评估中国陆地生态系统的净第一性生产力(NPP)、叶面积指数(LAI) 生物群区(Biome) 凋落物分解率等主要生态系统功能对气候及大气CO2浓度变化的敏感性.通过输入不同变化幅度的月均温度、月均降水、大气CO2浓度以及这些输入的组合,分析NPP,LAI,Biome及凋落物分解率等的模型输出结果,检验生态系统的敏感性。结果表明:大气CO2浓度和降水的变化对NPP