Research on development strategy & government policy of the Photovoltaic Solar Industry in China

来源 :对外经济贸易大学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:haiyang1979
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China has become one of the most important investors in renewable energies in the world.And in the case of solar energy,Chinese firms have taken important leading posiTiO2s in terms of producTiO2 and maybe in some years in installaTiO2 capacity.Solarig,Suntech and Zhejiang Shuqimeng are pioneers in their areas of expertise and have benefited largely from an open approach to innovaTiO2 to strengthen their core competences.An important role in the realizaTiO2 of these firms strategies has been played by public policy through the provision of skilled labor,the upgrading and improvement of the local science and technology infrastructure and the establishment of long-term policies that encourage the participaTiO2 of firms in the development of local capabilities in renewable energy.Through these acTiO2s,public policies have had a positive impact in the growth of firm by making possible the realizaTiO2 of their open innovaTiO2 strategies.The knowledge is an important mean of economic producTiO2 as countries and companies increasingly support its accumulaTiO2 and absorpTiO2 for their development.In the knowledge economy,knowledge and innovaTiO2 are important in the success of companies capabilities and core competencies.Therefore,it is important to consider the importance of knowledge as an added value,economic resource and understand that its creaTiO2,transfer and use calls for increasing actors with unique and distinct capabilities and resources,able to absorb the knowledge surrounding them to create new knowledge and develop them in their strategies.Also the innovaTiO2 concept in an enterprise also emphasizes the integraTiO2 of systems to become a fast innovator to remain competitive with an added value in a specific sector or country.Enterprises are always influenced by their environments,which impact their opportunities to learn and todevelop their core competences.Public policies affect and influence the development of finns.Government subsidies should support innovaTiO2 and renewable energies by providing the necessary condiTiO2 and incentives to develop the company or sector.The conclusion in this research is that countries that support the creaTiO2 and development of local capabilities as well as the knowledge creaTiO2 or transfer,helping them to innovate in their strategies,products and systems,are more successful to develop local high-technology industries than countries relying only on market-based mechanisms.