
来源 :哈尔滨工业大学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hcai5188
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Expansion and deepening of Russias partnership relations and strategic interaction with China is one of the main priorities and long-term directions of our countrys policy. This is one of the reasons for choosing this project. Using the example of this project, stakeholder analysis was carried out, as well as the impact of the political situation on the project and its relevance at the international level. The study emphasizes the need for stakeholder analysis as an integral part of this process. This study uses theoretical and methodological approaches and the Mitchell model, Agle Wood stakeholder analysis, which allows identifying, assessing the characteristics of the importance, strength, relevance of stakeholders and, depending on this, outlining a strategy for managing interactions with them. An assessment of the political relations between Russia and China and its impact on the project was carried out.  Speaking about the theoretical component, the concept of "stakeholder","management theory of interested groups of persons". The basic classifications of stakeholders were also presented. In addition, the methodology of a stakeholder studies and systems for managing stakeholder relationships are described in the theoretical chapter.  The next stage was the analysis of stakeholders and consideration of the main strategies for interaction with stakeholders. For the full analysis of the stakeholders of the Yekaterinburg - Chelyabinsk highway project, it was decided to introduce an assessment of the impact of the political situation on this international project. This criterion is novel in a stakeholder analysis and has been applied to a wide range of needs for each group in the project on the one hand.  As a result, based on the theoretical knowledge and analytical information obtained during the thesis, a list of recommendations on management strategies for stakeholder groups was developed in the Yekaterinburg-Chelyabinsk project.  In addition, the theoretical basis of this diploma work and the system of integrated stakeholder analysis can serve as a basis for further study and analysis of stakeholders of projects or organizations.  
摘 要:我国风力资源丰富,伴随科学技术的发展,风力发电凭借绿色环保优势成为新阶段我国重要的发电形式。在风力发电场,工作人员接触到的设备和技术都是在以前工作中所没有的,一旦出现故障,有价值的故障排除资料少,在技术上还存在一些困难。基于此,本文选择了一种风电变压器典型故障,结合实例,对这一典型故障进行分析,旨在为风力发电场提供变压器故障诊断、排除依据。  关键词:风力发电;变压器;典型故障  近年来,
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