Inward FDI is an important factor that contributed to the economic development of Lao PDR.This thesis aimed to investigate the effects of inward FDI on GDP per capita,employment,trade openness,gross value add and capital stock on the economic development of Lao PDR from1988to2017through long-run and short-run estimation.Moreover,based on the variance decomposition result test inward FDI has percentage contributed to GDP per capita,employment,trade openness,and capital stock.And these variables also are significant to attracting FDI inflow to Lao PDR.The study was based on a bound testing,long-run and short-run estimation result which used the approach of Autoregressive Distributive Lag(ARDL)with model ARDL(3,2,3,2,3,3),ARDL(3,3,2,3,3,2)model,ARDL(3,3,3,2,3,3),ARDL(3,0,3,0,0,3)and ARDL(3,3,3,3,3,2)for each dependent variable.Through this empirical study,the findings indicated that mainly long-run and short-run estimation;suggest that,inward FDI has positive effects on GDP per capita,employment,trade openness,and gross value add and capital formation;except inward FDI has a negative relationship with trade openness in long-run,but it is positive with trade openness in short-run.Therefore,we can see that,almost FDI inflow has positive relationship with GDP per capita,employment,trade openness,gross value add and capital formation in both long-run and short-run.Generation lower and upper critical bounds for F-test,lower bound critical values assume that all variables are I(0)while upper bound critical values assume that all variables are I(1).If F-statistic value exceeds upper critical upper bonds,the null hypothesis of no co-integration among variables should reject.If F-statistic falls below lower bound the null hypothesis of no long-run relationship is accepted.The result of ARDL integration shows that,among variables used into GDPP model is co-integration.Due to F-statistic4.149021is greater than upper bound I(1)3at5%level of significant.Thus the null hypothesis of no cointegration is rejected.The among variables employed into employment model is cointegration,which F-statistic12.7655is greater than upper bound I(1)4.15at1%level of significant.Thus the null hypothesis of no co-integration is rejected.Among variables employed into trade openness model is co-integration,due to result of ARDL integration shows that,F-statistic12.81193is greater than upper bound I(1)4.15at1%level of significant.Thus the null hypothesis of no co-integration is rejected.Among variables employed into gross value add model is co-integration due to the result of ARDL integration suggests that,F-statistic5.490242is greater than upper bound I(1)4.15at1%level of significant.Thus the null hypothesis of no co-integration is rejected.Among variables employed in capital formation model is co-integration due to result of ARDL integration shows that,F-statistic4.949446is greater than upper bound I(1)4.15at1%level of significant.The variance decomposition confirmed the result of the long-run and short-run model that inward FDI is determined by GDP per capita,capital formation,gross value added,employment and trade openness28.37%,19.59%,3.62%,0.43%,and25.12%respectively.The employment is determined by GDP per capita,FDI,capital formation,gross value add and trade openness52.77%,23.44%,9.87%,3.12%,and0.60%respectively.The trade openness is determined of GDP per capita,FDI,capital formation,gross value and employment35.25%,8.68%,3.896356%,7.52%,and2.34%respectively.The gross value add are determined by GDP per capita,FDI,capital formation,employment and trade openness77.02%,6.26%,4.92%,0.36%,and6.51%respectively.The capital formation is determined by GDP per capita,FDI,gross value add,employment and trade openness57.86%,6.61%,4.71%,0.44%,and6.49%respectively.