Resident’s Awareness Towards Sustainable Tourism for Ecotourism Destination in Sundarban Forest, Ban

来源 :湖南大学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:guohiahong9999
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Nature based tourism is increasing throughout the world. Most is based in national parks and restricted areas. UNESCO has declared 28% of the worlds largest continuous mangrove forest, the Sundarban, as a world heritage site in 1987. Sundarban is the largest mangrove forest in the world, which is facing various kinds of threats. More than millions of people depends on cutting tree, hunting animal other sources that are related with Sundarban. Sundarban is destroying illegally and unconsciously cutting down trees as well as hunting animals for livelihood and their benefit or business purpose. Local residences are less aware about its sustainability hence their awareness is very important for this forest sustainability. Negative natural and anthropogenic impacts and over exploitation of natural resources have caused severe harm to the ecosystem. Growing human population with few different support opportunities poses a significant threat to the mangrove forest. The quickly increasing shrimp farming trade may be a important threat to the mangrove forests of Bangladesh. Because of illegal cutting, encroachment of forest areas and illegal poaching of wildlife, the mangrove forest is losing diversity in a horrifying rate.  There is an illegal increase in the reducing of trees and woods in the Sundarban.Deforestation is taking an increase in most of the areas of Sundarban which will ultimately lead into the loss of the diversity. The problem of over fishing has placed the surroundings below great pressure. But today, people are adopting the techniques of using pesticide and chemicals that are affecting the flora and fauna of the region. The dumping of various industrial and domestic wastes into the river systems also possesses a threat to the environment. This forest ecosystem conjointly has become at risk of pollution, which can have modified the ecosystem. More threats arise from world temperature change, particularly water level rise. It is difficult to protect the flora and fauna unless there are economic benefits to the country as well as to the local people. This paper suggests that nature oriented tourism destination Sundarban can achieve sustainability through public awareness. Well-planned sustainable tourism and residence awareness could provide economic and long term incentives conservation and could bring additional benefit to local communities and regional economies. The paper focuses on how to increase residence awareness.
Plant architecture determines grain production in rice(Oryza sativa) and is affected by important agronomic traits such as tillering,plant height,and panicle mo
摘要:随着时代和科技的发展,各种新技术层出不穷,为各行各业的快速发展提供了强力的推动力,现代测绘技术对于地籍测量也是如此。现代测绘技术的诞生到应用成熟,很大程度上提高了土地测量的水平,使得土地权属问题的划分、土地面积的确定等问题能够得到更加有效合理的解决。本文通过对现代测绘技术的概念阐述引出话题,并对其进行简要的分析和总结,希望能够为相关工作人员提供一定的参考。  关键词:现代测绘技术;地籍测量;