An Empirical Research of Dictogloss Task in Promoting Focus on Form a Foreign Language Learning Sett

来源 :中国科学技术大学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:binfeb91
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The present study set out to frnd out how effective the dictogloss task might be infocusing Chinese students attention on form and whether English languageproficiency would influence the number, type and outcome of their language-relatedepisodes (LREs).The approach used to elicit focus on form was a combination ofteacher intervention and students output which draws attention fiom both extemaland internal sources, respectively. There was altogether 44 second-semester freshmenparticipants, 24 lower-intermediate and 20 upper-intermediate.
   Four hypotheses were formed: I.Dictogloss task is an effective task in generatingadult leamers focus on form despite in the English as a foreign language setting. 2.
   Adult Chinese learners will primarily focus on morphosytactic-based form instead oflexical-based form, 3, As English proficiency rncreases, so will the number of LREsand the morphosytactic-based form. 4. As proficiency increases, so will the correctlysolved LREs.
   All the recordings were transcribed and the data were submitted to independentsample t-test Hypothesis One was confumed; Cbinese EFL leamers produced no lessLREs than those ESL leamers in previous studies. Hypothesis Two was alsoconfrrmed, supporting the notion that teacher intervention may help attract leamerattention to morphosyntactic or less salient forms. Hypothesis Three was only partlyconfrrmed, because lower-intermediate leamers produced more LREs than theirupper-intermediate counterparts did for one of the passages. The already confrrmedpart is that as proficiency increases, so will the number of the morphosyntactic-basedform. the Fourth hypothesis also achieved confrrmation.
   The results of this study together with the previous studies of dictologss andfocus on form instruction imply that focus on form can not be lefi on the sole hands ofleamers like in the naturalistic settings; teacher intervention may be a good way todirect leamers to better focus on form, and especially morphosyntactic or less salientforms. However, suice focus on form research has been littie done in Chinese EFLsetting, more studies need to be done before the implication can become application.