
来源 :青岛大学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cy58452
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With the trend of the economic localization, the development pattern of regional tourism changes from competition to cooperation. Under the mutual principle and policy, the tourism economic bodies in different regions promote the flow and rational distribution of the industrial elements in common to maximize the economic benefit, the social benefit and the ecological benefit. The ultimate object of the tourism cooperation is to establish "non-barrier" travel region and achieve the localization of regional tourism. In 21 century, the regional tourism cooperation grows quickly in China. The Yangtse Delta Travel Region, the Great Pearl River Delta Travel Region and the Pohai Sea Travel Region have come into the new phase of regional tourism cooperation. The cooperation of different levels have been implemented in Northwest, Southwest, Midst and Northeast of China. Qingdao, Jinan, Yantai, Weihai, Rizhao, Weifang, Zibo and Dongying had a conference in September 2004 to come to an agreement about the tourism cooperation among them and started the cooperation. Aiming for this tourism cooperation, this thesis makes a comprehensive research in order to provide certain theoretical guidance for the development of the tourism cooperation of the city-group in Shandong Penisular 1. Based on the current research, this thesis delimits some relevant conception of the tourism cooperation firstly. Then it uses the theory of Growth Pole, the theory of Comparative Advantage, and combines the characteristics of the tourism industry to analyze the internal mechanism of the tourism cooperation. And from the expansion of the cooperation region and the progress of cooperation mode, the thesis discusses the regularity of the phasic evolution of the regional tourism cooperation. 2. Based on the regularity of the movement of tourists flow, this thesis uses several indexes to identify Jinan, Qingdao and Yantai as the center tourism cities of the city-group in Shandong Penisular. Through the analysis of the distribution of the main traffic lines and the main tourism attractions, the thesis forms the layout of the trip lines of the region into the shape of "H". According to the layout, the thesis divides the cooperation region into three parts, the east part, the midst part and the west part, and goes to the further research to the structure of the cooperation region. 3. On the basis of the research of the regional structure, this thesis discusses the exploitation and integration of tourism products, the market exploitation, the information construction, the capital combination and the human resource cultivation in the tourism cooperation, and then discusses the safeguard mechanism from the function of the government and the industry association, in order to provide workable countermeasures to the tourism cooperation of the city-group in Shandong Penisular.
“当前,第三次IT技术革命加快了信息技术和应用的移动化、网络化、智能化,与此同时,数据存储与计算能力作为一种服务商品,得以广泛流通和应用。作为西部大开发的领头羊,重庆向来致力走新型工业化的道路,大力推进信息化与工业化深度融合,抢抓云计算的发展机遇,实施‘云端计划’,建设智慧城市。”  ——重庆市人民政府市长黄奇帆  “未来三年,上海将从四方面着手,推进智慧城市的建设:建设具有国际水平的通信基础设施
芬兰赫尔辛基大学9月21日发布公报称,其研究人员研发出一项脑机交互技术,可以让电脑通过监测脑电波信号推测特定场景中人脑中的想法,并生成相应图像信息。研究成果已发表在英国《科学报告》杂志上。  赫尔辛基大学表示,这种脑机交互技术首次利用人工智能对脑电波信号和电脑显示的信息同时建模,通过人脑和人工神经网络的交互作用,使电脑制出与人脑在特定场景下关注到的事物或特征相对应的图像,可应用于心理学和认知神经科