时下 ,各高等院校中专攻台港及海外华文文学研究的研究生们 ,无疑是我们这一新兴学科中极富创新意识的生力军 ,而作为其学业水平标志的学位论文 ,更常常是创意叠出 ,令人耳目一新。本期新辟的“学位论文摘要”专栏 ,旨在及时向学界介绍这些青年学子们所关注的前沿课题。为此 ,我们特邀约饶子教授所指导的 4位研究生作为首期嘉宾。希望在他们的“闪亮登场”之后 ,能有更多的青年才俊相继加盟。由于标明“摘要” ,字数敬请遵照约定 :硕士论文 30 0 0字 ;博士论文 60 0 0字。来稿还请注明级 (届 )别和指导教师姓名。
Nowadays, postgraduates graduating from institutions of higher learning specializing in the study of Taiwanese and overseas Chinese literature in universities and colleges are undoubtedly the most innovative and innovative force in our emerging discipline, and the dissertations, as a symbol of their academic standard, are more often superposed creatively Refreshing. This issue of the new “dissertation abstracts” column aims to promptly introduce to academics these young students are concerned about the cutting-edge topics. To this end, we invited about 4 Professor Rao Bangzi under the guidance of the first graduate as a guest. Hope that in their “debut”, can have more young talents have joined. As marked “abstract”, the number of words, please follow the convention: master’s thesis 30 0 0 words; doctoral dissertation 60 0 0 words. The manuscript also please indicate the level (session) and the tutor’s name.