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历来学术界认为晚明传奇《红梅记》中贾似道残杀李慧娘的悲剧故事源自元人小说《绿衣人传》,但笔者以为贾似道杀妾故事最初源头应是宋末元初人刘一清所著野史笔记《钱塘遗事》。理由有三:一是产生于元初的《钱塘遗事》载有贾似道杀妾等故事,早于元后期出现的《绿衣人传》;二是《红梅记》中贾似道误国史实大多取材于《钱塘遗事》;三是《红梅记》承续了《钱塘遗事》以史为鉴的创作意识,表现了浓郁的历史兴亡之感。 Historically, the academic circles think that the tragic story of Jia Huidao’s murderous Li Jia Niang in the Legend of the Red Manjusri in the late Ming originated from the metaphor of “Green Man” in the novels of the late Ming Dynasty. However, I think the original source of Jia Jiju’s concubinage story should be the early Song Dynasty Man Liu Yiqing book notes of history “Qiantang memento.” There are three reasons: First, originated in the early Yuan Dynasty, “Qiantang Incarnation” contains the story of Jia Sidao concubinage, as early as late Yuan appeared “Green Man Biography”; second is “Red Plum” in Jia Sidao country The historical facts are mostly based on the “Qiantang Melaka”; thirdly, “Hongmei Kei” inherits the creative consciousness of “history of the Qiantang” from history, showing a strong sense of historical rise and fall.
历史质感·认知价值安战军(以下简称安):看了西路军一些历史资料,真是比较震撼。红五军、红九军、三十军过了黄河以后,准备到内蒙,然后奔新疆。当年那一带 Historical textu