In Lao PDR, many of the rural households are directly dependent and get benefit on forest both for subsistence and cash income, especially cash income from NTFPs.Participatory forest management system can improve livelihood and also can protect forest resources sustainably.There are plenty of researches to develop model or methods that can ensure the participation of local people sharing benefits for better forest resources management.This study was focused on Participation of Villagers in Forest Resources Management at Nam-Et Phouluey (NEPL) NPA Area conducting a survey on the basic socio-economic condition of local people in forest resource management at Nam Et-phouluey NPA area, and to assess activities of local peoples participation in forest resource management.It also examined the level of local people participating on forest management among two target villages in terms of participation, such as have to spread information, planning, implementation; monitoring and evaluation.A total of 100% (76) of the households in the remote area were interviewed.As a result of the analysis, the households living.is located inside the study area and inside corridor (centre) of National Protect Area, there were no difference among participation groups; and respective respondents who involved in the participatory forest management system.However, only a few of them are involved in participation by some activities such as meeting plan, conflict resolution and patrolling their village area.It is concluded that we cannot get success and meet conservation goal without the participation of villagers living in and around Nam Et-phouluey NPA.Thus, the result of this study highly recommendscentral government and local government of Lao PDR to pay more attention to the rural poor households in order to improve their livelihood within forest resource conservation project.The poor households were slashing and burning cultivation and depending more on forest resources should be encouraged and be given incentive to participate on forest resources management program.In addition, all-round development program of the villages should be established in order to improve their livelihood and overcome poverty, for sustainable of forest resources.