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The population of planet Earth is growing,and with it,and even faster,the number of devices connected to the Internet is increasing.High-quality video,real-time transmission of high-quality video,financial transactions of giant companies and much more.All this is sent,processed and stored in data centers.From data centers,people expect reliability and speed.In this research work,we will study a method for optimization,and,accordingly,for increasing speed in data centers.To solve the problem of monitoring the network status,it was decided to use a computer network emulator-Mininet.This software uses hosts,switches,and also OpenFlow controllers.Using the simplest syntax in a primitive command interpreter,you can deploy networks from an arbitrary number of ho sts,switches in various topologies,all within a single virtual machine(VM).On all hosts,you can change the network configuration,use standard utilities(ipconfig,ping)and even access the terminal.You can add various rules to the switches and route traffic.Mininet has excellent compatibility with the Python programming language.Therefore,to create a network topology which is not in the list of standard topologies,we will use this function.Create twelve switches and eight hosts.Since for research in this work it is necessary to obtain as much data as possible,it was decided to use switches,which can be given a set of instructions.P4switch complies with these requirements.It should be noted that the replacement of the standard switches of the Mininet virtual network emulator is performed using the P4 programming language.Having created the network,the next question is how to collect telemetry data from the constructed network?The solution is the "Intracavitary network telemetry"already existing in the world.It remains to figure out what is INT.Intracavitary network telemetry("INT")is a structure designed to collect and report network status on the data plane without requiring intervention or work at the control level.Obviously,it is preferable for network devices to process any INT packets strictly within the fast path,often in the hardware forwarding plane.An ideal system would be able to process INT commands without increasing latency or slowing down forwarding performance,but in some cases it might be necessary to process INT packets outside the fast path.This slow processing may be a CPU-based control plane,some sideband,or an alternative hardware-assisted forwarding path or arbitrary INT resource.It should be noted that in the case where INT processing is performed outside the fast path,the device MUST still forward the original packet through the fast path(that is,without processing INT instructions).The implementation of this is not indicated,although it implies the ability to make a copy of the INT package for slow processing or a similar design.After processing the INT packet in the usual fast path the forwarding plane should generate a trigger for the slow path(for example,either a copy of the original INT packet or its digest).After receiving the trigger,the slow path should process the INT header accordingly,generate a new package called the "subsequent package" containing the results of the INT commands.The subsequent packet is forwarded separately.If the devices on the network perform slow INT processing,it is possible that one INT packet can spawn several subsequent packets-and,in turn,each of them can spawn more INT processing in the downstream direction.Care must be taken to prevent excessive replication.This method will allow data centers to increase productivity,which will affect the quality of the services provided and the benefits for the owner of the data center.
● 失眠危害不可忽视rn睡眠是新陈代谢活动中重要的生理过程,没有睡眠就没有健康.如果人短时间内失眠,会产生体乏无力、头晕目眩、腰酸耳鸣、心慌气短等症状;如果长期睡眠不足,会导致自身的情绪不安,忧虑焦急,免疫力降低,因此会导致各种疾病发生,如神经衰弱、感冒等疾病,甚至造成猝死,给患者的身心健康带来严重伤害.所以及时治疗是关键,不要延误病情,错过最佳诊疗时机.
● 前列腺癌:老年男性的健康杀手rn在欧美国家,特别在美国,前列腺癌的男性发病率居于第一位,死亡率居于第二位.20 世纪,抗癌乐园我国前列腺癌的发病率远低于西方国家,但随着人口老龄化、生活方式改变和诊疗水平的提高,前列腺癌的发病率呈快速上升的趋势,目前我国部分沿海城市的发病率已接近西方国家的水平.
[内容简介]rn很多人还没有意识到:变老并不意味着衰退,衰退的决定权掌握在你自己手里.坚持运动,你就可以拒绝衰退,一直过着健康且精力充沛的生活.书中基于进化生物学的关于衰老的认知革命,不断被科学研究所证明, 数以百万计的大脑向身体发出生长信号,逆转生物时钟.
〇 药品有哪些剂型rn所谓剂型,是根据病情与药物特点所制成的不同的药品形态.剂型不同,意味着药品的服用方式各不相同.由于胰岛素在胃中容易遭到破坏,所以胰岛素类的药物就不能制成口服制剂,而要制成针剂使用;有些药物如果遇到空气、光线或水分容易发生分解、变质,从而导致药效降低,甚至失效,因此需要制成片剂、丸剂,甚至还需要制作包衣.