This paper will analyze Korean noun’hand’ in the actual meaning of Language Communication. And the next will explain how does the meaning of the word ’hand’ extend.In this paper the word ’hand’ is chosen as research object. The word ’hand’ is the basic word of Korean vocabulary, compare to the change of the form, the change of the meaning of hand is more. The word hand bears many meanings, because it is a part of man’s body, it is always seen and touched anywhere and anytime. The change of the word’s meaning is usually extended from the concrete meaning to the abstract meaning.This paper focuses on how does the meaning of the word "hand" extend. Through the. analysis of the word hand to explore the expansion and extension of lexical semantic phenomena. And to explore the phenomenon of polysemy and the law of real analysis and its application.This paper is divided into five chapters.Chapter one:introduction section. This part introduces the purpose and the object, the methods of the. study, and the history of the research.Chapter two to chapter four:the body word ’hand’ as the object of the study, analyze of its polysemy, As the basis of the terms of polysemy and semantic extension extends the principle of direction and so on.Chapter five:conclusion section. This part systematically summarizes the views of the paper, and in brief gives a description of the value of this writing in brief, limitations and further study.