12月,正是我们欣赏冬日美景的好时机。世界各地的摄影师捕捉到了冬天的魔法,将凛冬的美丽永远保存在了刹那之间。意大利,法尔泰罗纳峰摄影:Roberto M暗暗的树林里,只有前方传来一丝曙光。来到这里,好像进入了冰雪世界的天堂。爱沙尼亚摄影:Jan Lepamaa大雪之后,如入无人之境。英国,利物浦摄影师:Owen Buckley下雪的清晨,橘黄的路灯辉映着皑皑的白雪,显得那么静谧和温暖,这是大自然送给每一个孩子的礼物。
December is a good time to enjoy the winter scenery. Photographers around the world have captured the magic of winter and kept the winter beauty forever. Falter Ronan, Italy Photograph by Roberto M There is only a glimmer of light in the dark woods. Came here, as if into the world of ice and snow paradise. Estonia Photograph by Jan Lepamaa After a heavy snowfall, there is no one in the world. Liverpool, UK Photographer: Owen Buckley Snowing early in the morning, the orange street lights shimmered in white snow and seemed so tranquil and warm that it was nature’s gift for every child.