1995年5目7日,广播电影电视部发出《关于暂停审批新建无线和有线广播电台、电视台的通知》(广发社字<1995>254号)。《通知》指出,目前,广播电台、电视台数量过大,节目制作能力严重滞后,加之管理工作薄弱,一些地方播出状况较为混乱,有些地方基至出规擅自建台、办台现象。这种状况,如不切实加以纠正,势必影响我国广播电视事业的健康发展。 为此,广播电影电视部决定:从现在起至会年年底,集中一段时间,对广播电视建台、办台情况进行
On May 5, 1995, the Radio Film and Television Department issued the Notice on Temporarily Suspending the Examination and Approval of New Wireless and Cable Radio Stations and Television Stations (GF News <1995> No. 254). The “Circular” pointed out: At present, the number of radio and television stations is too large and the capacity of program production lags behind seriously. In addition to the weak management work, the broadcasting conditions in some places are rather chaotic. If this situation is not properly corrected, it will inevitably affect the sound development of the radio and television industry in our country. To this end, the radio and film and television department decided: from now until the end of every year, concentrate for a period of time, the radio and television to build a platform to do Taiwan situation