北京的于先生l998就拿下了驾驶执照,但直到今年汽车落了价,才成了有车一族。开上新车在大院里转了两星期,终于找到了四年前的驾车感觉——换挡、坡起、倒库,样样得心应手。又在车少的清晨在三环路上转了五六圈,便信心十足地开始正式驾车上班。 7月12日,星期五,于先生刚过了磁器口的右转弯,就被交警叫住了,原来他的车在此路口压了白色的导流线。交警告诉他,不能压导流线行驶。头一次刷卡就被记了2分。 7月13日上午,于先生开车在
Beijing’s Mr. l998 won the driver’s license, but until this year the car fell prices, it became a car owners. Turned on a new car in the yard for two weeks, finally found the feeling of driving four years ago - shift, slope up, down the reservoir, everything handy. Again in the early morning of the car turn around in the Third Ring Road five or six laps, then confidence to start a formal drive to work. July 12, Friday, Mr. Yu just after the Ciqikou turn right, was stopped by the traffic police, his car at this juncture under the white pressure line. Traffic police told him that pressure flow can not be pressured. The first credit card was recorded 2 points. On the morning of July 13, Mr. Yu was driving