歌雅·萨利亚霍(Kaija Saariaho)是当代芬兰音乐界最为重要、最具世界影响力的作曲家之一。她的年龄和中国作曲家谭盾相仿,在世界乐坛,两人经常在同一创作领域或同一创作比赛中“兵戎相见”。萨利亚霍的音乐作品从电子音乐到纯粹室内乐,从声乐作品到歌剧,从小型的独奏、重奏直至大型乐队,体裁之广、范围之大在音乐界较为少见,数量也已近百部。在这些作品中,经常可以看到电子音乐创作经历带给她的全新音色观。对色彩的
Kaija Saariaho is one of the most important and influential composers in contemporary Finnish music. Her age is similar to that of the Chinese composer Tan Dun. In the world music scene, both are often in the same creative field or in the same creative competition. Salja Huo’s musical works range from electronic music to purely chamber music, from vocals to opera, from small solos, ensembles to large bands, with a wide range of genres, rare in the music world, and nearly 100 in number . In these works, you can often see the new musical concept brought to her by electronic music creation experience. For color