赵元浩教授 谈华侨工作的一些历史经验

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我国华侨众多,分布在五大洲100多个国家。华侨是祖国革命和建设事业的一支重要力量,作出了重大贡献。党和政府历来十分重视华侨工作,在当前全党全民贯彻十六大精神,全面建设社会主义小康社会、和谐社会进程中,进一步做好华侨工作,具有重要现实意义和深远历史意义。暨南大学老教授赵元浩是我省知名的革命老前辈,海内外有影响的经济学家,又是一位老侨属。我们带着如何吸取华侨工作 There are many Chinese overseas Chinese in more than 100 countries on five continents. The overseas Chinese are an important force in the cause of the motherland’s revolution and construction and have made significant contributions. The party and government have always attached great importance to the work of overseas Chinese. It is of great realistic and far-reaching historical significance in the current process of carrying out the spirit of the 16th National Congress and the entire construction of a well-to-do society and a harmonious society. Zhao Yuanhao, an old professor at Jinan University, is a well-known revolutionary predecessor of our province, an influential economist both at home and abroad, and an old overseas Chinese. We take how to draw overseas Chinese work