目的 调查我国儿童和青少年瞳距的发育状况 ,以规范其眼镜架规格尺寸。方法 对青岛、厦门、开封和呼和浩特市 10 171例 5~ 17岁儿童和青少年进行横断面调查 ,用游标卡尺检测瞳距并将其结果进行分析。结果 儿童和青少年的瞳距与年龄呈正相关 (男性 :r=0 74,P <0 0 0 1;女性 :r=0 0 7,P <0 0 0 1) ,即其瞳距可随年龄增长而增大 ;男性大于女性 ;其中男性组中 6~ 9和 10~ 15岁间和女性组 6~ 9和 10~ 12岁间比较 ,差异有显著性 (F =40 0 97,P <0 0 1)。 4个地区的儿童和青少年瞳距均值间比较 ,差异有显著性 (t=7 1,P <0 0 1)。结论 我国儿童和青少年瞳距的生长发育经历了 6~ 9及 10~ 15岁两个增长高峰期。男性 15岁和女性 13岁瞳距已达到成人水平。儿童和青少年瞳距男与女性间差异和地区间差异对规范儿童眼镜架规格尺寸无实际意义。
Objective To investigate the development of pupil distance of children and adolescents in our country in order to standardize their frame size. Methods A total of 10 171 children and adolescents from 5 to 17 years old in Qingdao, Xiamen, Kaifeng and Hohhot were surveyed by cross-sectional survey. The pupil distance was detected by vernier caliper and the results were analyzed. Results The interpupillary distance in children and adolescents was positively correlated with age (male: r = 0 74, P <0 01; female: r = 0 0 7, P 0 01) (P <0 0 0). There was a significant difference between males in 6 to 9 and 10 to 15 years old and females in 6 to 9 and 10 to 12 years 1). The average pupillary distance of children and adolescents in four regions was significantly different (t = 7 1, P <0.01). Conclusion The growth and development of pupil distance of children and adolescents in China experienced two growth peaks of 6 ~ 9 and 10 ~ 15 years old. 15-year-old men and women 13-year-old IPD has reached adult levels. Children and adolescents interpupillary distance inter-male and female differences and differences between the size of the normative framework for children’s frames of no practical significance.