西德西门子公司研制出一种新型的记录仪,该仪器用气体激光器作书写工具,频率响应高达250赫(X-Y 记录仪通常只有几赫),能将信息投射到15呎外的墙上,或如示波器那样为了直接观察而投射到萤光屏上。仪器名叫 Oscilloreg MO 2017,其快速响应是可能的,因为它用激光光束以代替普通的笔和墨水的记录针进行书写。而激光束的偏转系统是固有地快速和灵敏的。书写速率,在10×10时的书写区域内,差不多
Siemens developed a new type of recorder that uses a gas laser as a writing instrument with a frequency response of up to 250 Hz (XY encoders are usually only a few hertz) and can project information onto a 15-foot wall or As the oscilloscope as direct observation and projection onto the screen. The instrument is called Oscilloreg MO 2017 and its fast response is possible because it uses a laser beam to write in place of an ordinary pen and ink. The deflection system of the laser beam is inherently fast and sensitive. Writing speed, writing area at 10 × 10, almost