针对酿酒工业粮耗大,废糟液排放多,劳动强度高的现状,提出创建酿酒工业生态系统的设想,使传统发酵的生物产业,结合酿酒工业生态工程技术向现代生物产业发展,迎接知识经济的到来。酿酒工业生态工程包括:①尽量减少粮食等原辅材料消耗;②传统技艺与现代科技相结合;③优化生产工艺,减轻劳动强度;④废物深加工,再生资源化,减少或消除环境污染。( 一平)
Aiming at the fact that the wine industry has large grain consumption, waste discharge, and high labor intensity, it proposes the idea of creating a wine industry ecosystem, so that the traditional fermentation of the biological industry, combined with the wine industry ecological engineering technology to the modern biological industry, to meet the knowledge economy ’s arrival Wine industry ecological engineering includes: 1 Minimize the consumption of food and other raw and auxiliary materials; 2 Combine traditional techniques with modern science and technology; 3 Optimize production processes and reduce labor intensity; 4 Deep processing of wastes, recycling of resources, reducing or eliminating environmental pollution. ( A flat)