新闻的“富矿”,不在“请柬”中,不在会议上,不在材料里,而是在基层,在一线,在人民群众之中。因此,眼睛盯着“请柬”,整天忙于赶场,是难以抓到“活鱼”的,更别想写出精品来。 多年来,我不被“请柬”所诱惑,坚持将功夫下在“请柬”外。对新闻线索发掘不等、不靠,而是迈开双脚,到基层去,到现场去,到人民群众中去,在深入实际的过程中,捕捉新闻线索,挖掘新闻题材,提炼新闻主题,增强新闻敏感,探索新闻手法,写出了一些无愧于时代的新闻。在26年的新闻生涯中,我有
The “rich ore” of the news is not in the “invitations”, not in the meetings, in the materials, but at the grassroots level, on the front line and among the people. Therefore, the eyes staring at “invitations”, busy day hurrying, it is difficult to catch “live fish”, but do not want to write a boutique to. Over the years, I am not tempted by the “invitations” and insisted that Kung Fu be placed outside the “invitations”. In the process of going deep into reality, we can catch news clues, tap news topics, and refine news topics. In the meantime, Enhance news sensitivity, explore news techniques and write some worthy news of the times. In the 26 years of journalism I have