思箴堂,坐落于江苏苏州市东渚镇宝山村,建于清朝晚期,是东渚镇唯一幸存的古民居,是程建中当医生的曾祖父程稼生修建的宅第,厅堂轩敞, 雕梁画栋.窗棂制作精巧,古朴的宅院遍植百年古木,枣树、腊梅、天竹、杜仲苍郁,四季花木翳然。百年思箴堂历尽沧桑,堂的主人程建中同样经历时代的风雨。仕途岖崎曲折,集多种身份于一身——
Located in Baoshan Village, Dongzhu Town, Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province, Si Zhutang is the only surviving ancient dwelling in Dongzhu Town. It is a house built by Cheng Jizhong, a great-grandfather who grew up as a doctor. Window 棂 production of sophisticated, simple house all over the century planting ancient trees, jujube, Lamei, bamboo, Eucommia Cang Yu, four seasons Cui Ranran. Centennial Temple experience tremendous vicissitudes of life, church master Cheng Jianzhong also experience the storm of the times. Career Kagazaki twists and turns, set a variety of identities in one -