The electrochemical process of galena in a pH 12.8 buffer solution was investigated using chronoamperometry and chronopoten-tiometry. To establish kinetic parameters on the surface of galena in the diethyldithiocarbamate solution, the exchange current density and the dependence of current density on reaction time were determined. Experimental results demonstrate that the exchange current density of ga-lena is 1.585×10-2A/m2 in the diethyldithioearbamate-free solution. In the diethyldithioearbamate solution, the thickness of lead diethyldi-thiocarbamate adsorbed on the surface of galena is 3.28 molecular Myers, the diffusion coefficient of diethyldithioearbamate on the surface of galena electrodes is 1.13×10-10m2/s, and the exchange eun-ent density of galena is 0.45 A/m2. Lead diethyldithiocarbamate on the surface of galena is firmly adsorbed.