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  Long before the Internet, and even before the telephone, people relied on pen and paper to communicate. It’s a lot different from writing an email because when you make a mistake, you cannot “backspace1”your errors away. You simply cross out your mistake with your pen and continue writing.
  Letter writing was how I first traveled the world, before I could see it with my own eyes. When I was 11 years old, I lived in a small town in Maine2, the most northeast state in the U.S. My teacher told the class one day that each of the students was going to receive the name of a pen pal3 from another country. I had to submit my name and address along with one dollar. Two weeks later, I was given a piece of paper with my new pen pal’s information and wrote my first letter.
  To be honest, I can’t remember who my very first pen pal was, because I quickly accumulated many. Within a few years, I was writing to almost 20 dozen kids from faraway places like Brazil, Jamaica4, Austria and China. One girl was a triplet5 from Australia. Another pen pal was a boy from England who liked the same music as me: rock and roll. A girl from Belgium6 asked me about popular TV shows from the U.S. that were showing in her country at the time. Every day after school, I would hurry home and eagerly wait for the postman to deliver our mail. Nothing excited me more than seeing that distinctive “air mail”envelope with my name on it.
  Letter writing has been a key means of communication for people throughout history. It played a crucial part in the exploration of the “New World”, as America was once known. Famous names like Christopher Columbus and Amerigo Vespucci graced my history textbooks growing up,7 with stories of their explorations. Much of what we know about them is through the letters they wrote to people back in Europe.
  There were two main reasons why these early explorers wrote letters. One was to document for the people back home what they saw as they journeyed through the faraway, mysterious land. “The land in those parts is very fertile and pleasing, abounding in numerous hills and mountains, boundless valleys and mighty rivers,” Amerigo Vespucci wrote to a friend in Italy in the 1500s.8 “Many of these [trees] yield fruits delectable9 to the taste and beneficial to the human body.”   Another reason for writing letters was to assure and update the people who financed their trips. These so-called investors were often monarchs10, noblemen or wealthy people who had a personal interest in world discoveries. Letters from explorers would raise hopes that new lands could bring more riches.
  When the British began building colonies in America during the 17th Century, these lands were settled by people who sailed across the Atlantic Ocean. The early settlers faced a lot of challenges in the unfamiliar environment. Their letters were mixed with news of illness as well as details of their exotic11 surroundings. Sometimes a man would go to America in search of prosperity, with plans to send for his wife and children later. Their longdistance correspondence was filled with descriptions of life on both sides of the ocean that would keep them together until they were reunited.12
  400 years later, we don’t really need to write letters anymore. With the advent of the Internet, the nuances of a person’s handwriting are lost to the cold, typewritten script that comes with an email.13 A person’s unique signature is reserved for signing a receipt for a credit card payment.
  These days, it’s difficult for me to find anyone to write a letter anymore. There was a time, as an adult, when I would write to friends who lived in Europe and occasionally they would write me back. But with the technological advancements we have today, my list of eager letter recipients is ever dwindling.14
  Sadly, I lost my favorite pen pal a few years ago: my grandmother. At the ripe old age15 of 96, my grandmother passed away while I was living in China. For years, whether I was in England, Germany, Laos16 or China, I would send her a letter. After my grandmother died, my uncle told me that when she received one of my letters from a far-flung place, she would pull out her atlas and see where I was.17
  Once in a while, depending on where I was living, she would send me a letter back describing the goings-on in her small town or an update on her few remaining friends and siblings18. Sometimes she would include a newspaper clipping19 with a story that might interest me. One thing that was so special about my grandmother is that she never had a mobile phone, a computer, a tablet or any of the fancy gadgetry20 of today. And guess what? She got along in life just fine. I had a lot of respect for that.
曾有过一座艺术村,在那里各幅名画纷纷写下自己的回忆录。《蒙娜丽莎》已经奋笔疾书了一个多世纪,只是为全面地展现达·芬奇的璀璨一生。每当被人问起,她就挤出那个恼人的笑容。《大碗岛上的星期日下午》则担心着  她自个儿的面容,总要偷偷地瞥几眼镜子。所有人都很崇拜《夜巡》,他刚品完鸡尾酒,正身披睡衣懒散地躺着,大谈关于伦勃朗的最骇人听闻的谎言,即他对护胸盔甲和佩羽帽的古怪迷恋。风景画们极少有甚谈资,因此肖像
Lukas Irmler,2006年起开始从事走扁带运动,并很快达到国际水平。在他运动生涯的第一年,他便在苏格兰举行的国际走扁带大赛获得了第四名的优异成绩。之后,不断创造佳绩,并于2009年一举夺得格拉茨(奥地利)国际走扁带大赛冠军。在世界各地的各种赛事中,Lukas不断积超越自己,并为走扁带运动打破一个又一个界限。    :你第一次走扁带是何时,在哪里?  Lukas:第一次尝试走扁带是在邻居家
1.成就  2014年上映的由大卫·芬奇(DaVid Fincher)执导的心理惊悚片《消失的爱人》(Gone Girl)在票房和口碑方面均获得很大成功。该片改编自吉莉安·弗琳(Jilian Flynn)2012年出版的同名畅销小说,由本·阿弗莱克(Ben Affleck)与罗莎曼德·派克(Rosamund Pike)主演,诠释了一对貌合神离的夫妻的离奇纠葛。罗莎曼德因其出色表演获得了2014年度
表情符会成为一种新的语言吗?  刚刚过去的2015年可谓是emoji之年。它们使一名十几岁的男孩被警察拘留,激怒了俄罗斯总统普京,并且即将开启自己的好莱坞之路。它们在网络聊天中无处不在,甚至有人开始尝试只用emoji进行交流。于是有人开始猜测,emoji会成为一种新的语言吗?语言学家给出了答案。
2007年,林肯公园乐队(Linkin Park)发行了一张名为Minute to Midnight 的专辑,主打环保主义,警告世人,由于我们的无限欲望,世界正在朝着可怕的方向走去。专辑中,最为人熟知的歌曲要算那首曾被电影《变形金刚》用做片尾曲的“What I’ve done”了:  In this farewell,  There is no blood,  There is no alibi(
美国著名作家克拉伦斯·戴(1874—1935)在他的自传体作品《与父亲一起生活的日子》中细致幽默地描写了他们一家人在19世纪90年代的纽约度过的日子,刻画了他的父亲老克拉伦斯·戴的生动形象。书中的每一篇故事都令读者捧腹,十分耐人寻味。  父亲结婚之前一直过着衣来伸手、饭来张口的日子,更何况他的母亲是烹调高手。然而婚后的日子却不再如此无忧无虑,多了一些磕磕绊绊。有一天,父亲回到家,家里一片狼藉,厨子
Everyone knows bullying is a huge problem, and we all need to work to stop it. But how? The science is unclear. While school districts across the country spend millions of dollars each year to combat