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如果指导者能针对一个实际的项目,引导受教育者发现问题、思考问题,并主动获取知识,那么就能培养他们分析问题和解决问题的能力。基于建构主义理论的问题启发式教学方法,充分利用学生的主体作用和教师的指导作用,就可培养学生解决实际问题的能力、终身学习的能力、学生主动参与学习的积极性、自我导向学习能力、塑造团队合作精神等。文中以“电气控制与PLC”课程为例,采用“一项目一问题”的学习体制,即一个项目6学时解决一个问题,给出了具体的教学安排,可操作性强。整个课程根据内容和学期时间,分成16个项目,通过所有项目的学习,既可掌握本课程所需知识和技能,又可培养学生综合能力。 If the mentor can guide an educated person to find out the problem, think about the problem and take the initiative to acquire knowledge for a practical project, then they can develop their ability to analyze and solve the problem. The heuristic teaching method based on Constructivism, which can make full use of the main body of students and the guidance of teachers, can train students ability to solve practical problems, lifelong learning ability, active participation of students in learning, self-directed learning ability, Shaping team spirit and so on. In this paper, taking “Electrical Control and PLC” as an example, the learning system of “One Item One Problem” is adopted, that is, a project solves a problem in six hours and gives specific teaching arrangements with strong operability. According to the content and semester time, the whole course is divided into 16 projects. Through the study of all the projects, we can acquire the necessary knowledge and skills of this course as well as the comprehensive ability of students.
A theory of a two-stream free-electron laser in a combined electromagnetic wiggler (EMW) is developed, in which we use an axial-guide magnetic field and take in
患者 ,女性 ,40岁。因发现右乳房包块 2月余 ,于 1 993年 8月 3日入院。查体 :病人一般情况好 ,腋窝淋巴结未扪及肿大 ;心肺未见异常 ;肝脾肋下未扪及。外科所见 :乳房皮肤无
也许是对笔记本电脑和主流的计算领域过多关注的缘故,以至于在Jabra送测新品时我还在想:蓝牙耳机还能做出什么名堂?无非是更小巧,更漂亮一点 Perhaps the reason for so muc
目的 了解肺癌组织中人类疱疹病毒 7型(HHV - 7)的感染情况。方法 利用巢式 PCR分析 5 0例肺癌和 2 6例癌旁正常组织石腊切片中的 HHV- 7的 DNA。结果 巢式 PCR检出 1例肺
本文对以法德为代表的会计目标的法德模式(即受托责任观)进行了系统的阐述,并分析了会计目标与其经济环境之间关系。 This article systematically elaborates the French-G