一位逾花甲的老人,在生命的金秋,不为名,不为利,为圆全县80多万人30余年未遂的一个梦,在高山深谷里带领一班人艰苦创业,五度春秋,谱写出一曲曲撼人心魂的壮歌。他就是四川省垫江县双河水库工程指挥部顾问、共产党员贺文学同志。 “垫江无江”。水资源的贫乏,一直制约着全县经济的发展,影响着人民群众正常的生产和生活。垫江人民一宜企盼着“截断苍山立石壁,
A more than a flower of the elderly, in the autumn of life, not a name, not for the benefit of the whole county more than 80 million people attempted more than 30 years a dream, in the valley led a group of people arduous pioneering, five degrees spring, Compose a song that hurts the heart of the soul song. He is an adviser to Commander, Shuanghe Reservoir Engineering Center, Dianjiang County, Sichuan Province, and a member of Comrade He Wenxue. “Dianjiang no river.” The lack of water resources has always restricted the economic development of the county and affected the normal production and life of the people. Dianjiang people should be looking forward to "cut off the Cangshan stone wall,