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一、高职英语泛读教育的现状高职教育的目的是为我国社会主义建设培养适应社会主义市场经济需要的 ,具有跨岗位、跨职业能力的、适合岗位职责客观要求的 ,新型的、复合型专门人才。目前还没有正式的高职英语教学计划。而我们现在参照使用的英语学历教育教学大纲和教学计划并不 I. The Current Situation of Extensive English Education in Higher Vocational Education The purpose of higher vocational education is to cultivate a new type of compound education that meets the needs of the socialist market economy and has the cross-disciplinary and cross-vocational competencies that meet the objective requirements of job responsibilities. Type of specialized personnel. There is no formal vocational English teaching plan yet. And we now refer to the use of English education syllabus and teaching plan is not
音乐创作这一人类高级精神活动,自有历史记载以来,即伴随着人类文明的产生、发展与成熟。音乐创作中,到底有多少基本形态以构成其总体形态的全部?一般约定俗成的观念是:和声、复调、曲体、配器,俗称“四大件”。其实这只是从练习音乐写作技术角度的表层类分。如果我们从音乐创作整体构成的角度来探寻其形态类别,它应包含有五类:旋律学、多声部学、结构学、织体学、载体学。  一、旋律学  旋律,音乐表现手段的一个重要因