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本省廣大教師上半年經過了總路线的學習,社會主義覺悟普遍的有了提高,对政府的各項政策也都能積極的擁護,這是可喜的現象。但必須指出,还有些教師口頭上講的一套,和實際表现的一套是不相符合的。據我们了解,有不少教師對目前糧食統購統銷和秋征工作完全不聞小問。有少數教師甚至幫助家中隱藏餘糧,不肯出賣。有些教師,有套購糧食、食油,搶購棉布等现象。有些教師同情富農、资本家,懷疑政府的政策,有時聽了落後分子的話,也跟着亂發牢骚。有些教師對農村互助合作運動袖手旁觀,不動員家庭參加,也不向羣衆宣傅。這種错誤的態度和行爲,是人民教師所不應有的。爲什麽産生這些情况?這是由於我們教師自私自利的資産階級個人主義思想還沒有得到改造,但也舆某些地區的教師政治學習没有做好的密切結合當前的中心任務有關。有些教師片面强調政治學習的系統性,要求機械的按章按节啃書本,而忽視了在系統學習中聯系當前的中心任務,唯恐這會打亂‘系統的 In the first half of this year, the vast majority of teachers in our province have gone through the study of the general line, and there has been a general increase in socialist awareness and positive support for all government policies. This is a welcome sign. However, it must be pointed out that some teachers still do not agree with the actual performance of a set of verbal ones. According to our understanding, many teachers are completely unheard of about the current state procurement and marketing of grain and the work of the Autumn Harvest. A few teachers even helped hide the surplus grain at home and would not betray them. Some teachers, there are sets of purchase of food, cooking oil, buying cotton and so on. Some teachers sympathize with the rich peasants and capitalists and doubt the government’s policies. Sometimes they listen to the words of the laggards and complain. Some teachers stand idly by in the rural cooperative and cooperative movement, do not mobilize their families to participate, nor do they spread their word to the masses. Such wrong attitudes and behaviors are unworthy of teachers of the people. Why did this happen? This is because our teachers ’selfish and selfish bourgeois individualism has not been transformed yet, but it is also due to the close integration of teachers’ political studies in some areas with the current central task. Some teachers emphasize the systematic nature of political study one-sidedly, requiring mechanical chapters to readjust one by one while ignoring the central task of linking current systems learning, lest this disrupt the systematic
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