在前不久闭幕的桂林十四届全国书市上,有一本书的在线学习卡引来业内人士广泛关注。在清华大学发行的《中国知识资源总库》CNKI 卡的招商现场,新华书店、民营书店书商在展区前纷纷驻足,有的表现积极,迫不及待的想加入这个新兴的文化产业,有的却犹疑不定,对它持怀疑和否定态度。这种两极化的态度意味着什么?导致这个现象的原因是什么?书商在互联网出版发行日益茁壮的今天该持什么样的态度,中国的传统书业又面对着怎样的挑战?
In the fourteen session of the Guilin Book Market, which ended shortly before, a book of online learning cards attracted widespread attention in the industry. Xinhua Bookstore and private bookstore booksellers stopped in front of the exhibition area at the invitation of CNKI card of “China Knowledge Resources General Library” issued by Tsinghua University. Some of them showed positive and could not wait to join this emerging cultural industry, while others hesitated Uncertain, skeptical of it and negative attitude. What does this polarization mean and what are the reasons for this phenomenon? What kind of attitude should the booksellers hold today when Internet publishing and publishing are thriving? What challenges are China’s traditional book industry facing?