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  【Abstract】Introduction: Due to the differences between the backgrounds of Chinese and western cultures, there are many cultural differences. Under these cultural differences, the communication between Chinese and western cultures can produce frictions and even conflicts. If these differences are not treated correctly, then the closer the Chinese and western cultures are, the more serious their conflicts may be.
  【Key words】Culture; Conflict; Collisions
  China has a long history of agricultural society. So the Chinese have a strong sense of national culture. The whole emotional environment is strong. Chinese people often deal with things in a emotional way. In order to protect good relationships, Chinese people will try not to offend people while doing things. Sometimes people even say fake things or don’t act like what they really think. People are willing to protect their so-called “face”. China has a unique natural environment and social environment. As the oldest country in the world, Chinese people have gradually built their own unique cultural patterns in such an environment. Other countries or regions also have different cultural patterns because of their own unique natural environments and social environments. Different cultural patterns produce cultural differences.
  Chinese people have a strong sense of community, and they pay great attention to unity. So, the Chinese are often willing to share their emotions, both. But it is different in western culture. People in the west value privacy very much. Personal space is important to them. They generally don’t want to talk too much about themselves. They don’t like letting others tell them how to deal with their own things or making decisions for them. Thus, it is often seen that westerners conflict over privacy issues.
  Chinese often ask questions about age, occupation, income, when first met. In China, it is a kind of manner. People show their cares and enthusiasms by this way. But western people may found this kind of questions is putting their privacy in danger. It is not polite. Also, Chinese people have a strong sense of hometown. They often get excited when they meet a person comes from the same place as them. Chinese emotion seems to be more sensitive than that of the west, while western culture is more scientific and rational. This is because the west has a long industrial history. Industrial production requires being scientific and senses of fair competition. As the industrial revolution progressed, these ideas became more common.   Chinese keep a strong traditional ideal of classes. When leaders or elders come in, they usually stand up to show their respects. In the west, there is no such habit. Since ancient times, China has paid great attention to communities, they regard it as the center. People don’t highlight individual strength, and believing that modesty is the best virtue. Therefore, Chinese generally like to follow the ancients. They are not good at doubting. They would like to consider everyone’s feelings. The westerners promotes “individualism” and to be innovative in all things. They highlight individual strength and equality of all people. Everyone is a member of the society no matter how old you are. So when it comes to talking about things, westerners tend to talk about their own ideas first, and then finally explain the background. When facing with the same compliment, westerners will response:“thank you”, and the Chinese will say:”not so well”. As you said such answer, foreigners will not be happy, he will feel you are questioning his ability of appreciation.
  There are also many differences in daily communication.For examplr, Chinese greet by asking:Have you eaten? People in western would think you want to treat them if you said that. In Britain, they usually greet people with weather, health, sports and hobbies.
  There are surely a lots of differences between them. However, facing the differences between Chinese and western cultures, there is no need to be nervous. Instead, we should face it. Running away is not a wise solution. During the Qing dynasty, the government was afraid when facing the impact of western culture. They chose to escape, the government set China apart from the rest of the world. That action directly led to its own backwardness.
  Facing cultural differences between Chinese and western culture does not mean changing any side of them. There are different colors in the world, but it is different colors make the world more colorful. People will never ask red to be blue. Cultural diversity is the result of cultural differences. Facing the impact of western culture, we should face it directly. Only in this way, Can Chinese and western culture realize their strengths and weaknesses in communication. They can learn from strengths of each other and avoid the same shortcomings. Then, they can make progress together.
  Let Chinese and western culture collide with each other and create a more brilliant spark. let two cultures shine more.
  [1]Frederick L.Shiels,Ethnic Separatismand World Polities,Lanham, MD:University press of America,1984.
【摘要】在当前高职英语教学过程中,为能够得到更加理想的教学效果,一项必要的任务就是实行教学改革,而考核评价方式改革就是其中比较重要的一个方面。在当前慕课时代下,高职英语教师应当积极改革考核评价方式,从而使英语考核评价更加具有科学性及合理性,进而为更好的开展高职英语教学奠定理想的基础。  【关键词】慕课时代;高职英语;考核方式;改革  【作者简介】张静(1988.8- ),女,重庆人,重庆电信职业学
【摘要】写作教学是高中英语教学的核心部分,也是难点部分。如何提升学生写作能力,增强学生写作质量,是摆在教师面前的突出问题。本文从反思性教学出发,分析了高中英语写作反思性教学策略,期望能为教育工作者优化英语写作教学模式提供相关参考借鉴。  【关键词】反思性教学;高中英语;写作  【作者简介】陈钦,安徽省滁州市凤阳县临淮中学。  写作教学是高中英语教学的重要组成部分,也是教学难点。它能够体现英语学习者
【摘要】多媒体图像输入的应用在现代教育技术方面起着非常重要的作用。它是一种集声音、图像、图形、影像、文字于一体的先进教学方式。它突破了传统教学的局限性,有利于吸引学生的“注意”提高“有效输入”,激发学习兴趣,增加课堂的容量和拓展知识面,提升学生的英语综合运用能力。  【关键词】初中英语;多媒体图像输入技术;优势;运用  【作者简介】张睿,甘肃省通渭县通和初级中学。  【基金项目】本文为甘肃省教育科
【摘要】合作原则称为语用学界形成和发展的重要理论基础。本文以美剧《小谢尔顿》为例,以合作原则为理论基础,从四个准则方面分析幽默话语的产生机制,发现交际者有时会故意违反合作原则,实际上是含蓄地表达言外之意,产生幽默效果。  【关键词】合作原则;《小谢尔顿》  【作者简介】夏续元(1994-),汉族,女,黑龙江伊春人,哈尔滨师范大学2017级硕士研究生,英语语言文学专业,研究方向:语言学;赵硕(199
【摘要】信息化教学背景下,微课、慕课、翻转课堂等教学新形式不断涌现,不仅颠覆了传统的教学课堂,而且在教学成效方面,也取得了突出的进步。本文针对微课、慕课、翻转课堂等进行深入的研究和探索,根据其形成的背景、涵义以及三者之间的互相联系等,进一步探讨微课、慕课、翻转课堂等在实际教育教学当中的应用及应规避的问题等。  【关键词】微课;慕课;翻转课堂;内涵;应用  当前,网络技术正不断地渗透和影响到我国的信
【摘要】在“中国文化走出去”的背景下,中国典籍英译教学的重要性日渐凸显。本文以翻译本科专业为例,从师资、教材和实践三个方面对中国典籍英译教学进行了初步探索,以应对我国典籍英译人才匮乏的困局。  【关键词】中国文化走出去;中国典籍英译;翻译本科专业  【作者简介】卢开砚(1981-), 女,四川阆中人,四川外国语大学成都学院翻译学院,讲师,硕士,研究方向:跨文化交际,外语教学理论与实践。  一、引言
【摘要】翻译作为大学英语教学的重点内容,本质上是一种在文化语境的互动行为,它不仅有利于英汉文化的交流,还能有效的提升大学生的英语综合素质,对培养学生一定的翻译素养有重要的作用。  【关键词】大学英语;英汉翻译;习语翻译;长句子翻译  【作者简介】李波,宝鸡文理学院。  如今,随着我国综合国力的提升,国际地位的提高,为我国在国际上的影响力越来越大,中英互译的应用也变得越来越广泛,对于大学英语而言,翻
【摘要】语言是思想的表达,反映的是不同民族的思维方式,是一种世界观。因此,学习一门语言,离不开对其思维方式的探索。同样,我们学习一门外语,也必然脱离不了这种语言与我们的母语之间的比较。通过英语和汉语在思维方式上的对比,会给我们的英语学习和教学带来不少启发。  【关键词】英语;汉语;逻辑思维  【作者简介】梁平,上海政法学院。  语言是思想的表达,反映的是不同民族的思维方式,是一种世界观。因此,学习