为迅速发展我区无公害瓜菜生产和绿色食品产业,推进生态农业发展进程,1998—1999年我们积极开展了以减少化学农药的使用量、保生态平衡、保瓜菜产品中农药残留量不超国标为重点内容的瓜菜“一减双保”技术研究与应用工作,并初步探索出了六项配套实用技术。 一、选择
In order to rapidly develop pollution-free vegetable production and green food industries in our region and promote the development of eco-agriculture, we actively carried out measures to reduce the use of chemical pesticides and ensure the ecological balance during 1998-1999. The amount of pesticide residues in preserved vegetables products is not Super national standard as the focus of the melon vegetables “one minus double security” technology research and application work, and initially explored the six supporting practical technology. First, the choice