7月29日 ,由于泄密导致“扫黄”行动失败的青岛市公安局局长万国忠提交了辞呈。6月29日 ,原青岛四方区公安分局副局长刘伟在公安部统一清查黄赌行动中 ,为青岛大富豪夜总会通风报信 ,导致清查行动受挫。目前已对其作出撤销职务、开除党籍 ,清除出公安队伍的处理。刘伟原
On July 29, Mr. Wang Guozhong, director of the Qingdao Public Security Bureau, submitted his resignation because of the leak and the failure of the anti-vice operation. On June 29, Liu Wei, former deputy director of the Sifang District Public Security Bureau of Qingdao unveiled the yellow gambling operation at the Ministry of Public Security, announcing the tycoon’s nightclub ventilation in Qingdao, which resulted in a setback in the inventory inspection. At present, it has canceled its position, expelled its members and cleared the ranks of the public security police. Liu Weiyuan