
来源 :思想政治工作研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bestdzik
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对思想政治工作的地位要有一个科学的、稳定的认识,这是李瑞环同志在六次年会讲话中提出的一个重要命题。当我们回顾了思想政治工作曾几经春夏秋冬的酸甜苦辣之后,更感到这一命题的深刻含义。思想政治工作在建设具有中国特色的社会主义事业中的重要地位,本来是客观存在的,是不以人们的意志为转移的,任何人为的拔高或贬低,都将给我们的事业造成损失。在“左”倾思潮和资产阶级自由化思潮的冲击下,我们既吃过思想政治工作“万能论”的苦头,也吃过思想政治工作“无用论”的苦头。错误和挫折教育了我们,在对待思想政治工作的地位问题时,必须坚持辩证唯物主义,一方面要承认思想政治工作重要地位的客观性,另一方面又要承认人们对思想政治工作的摆位是带有一定的主观性的,即思想政治工作的地位是客观的,但人们对它的现实摆位却有一个主观认识是否正确的问题。当人们 There must be a scientific and stable understanding of the status of ideological and political work. This is an important proposition put forward by Comrade Li Ruihuan in his six annual sessions. After we reviewed the ups and downs in the political, ideological and political work that have taken place in spring, summer, autumn and winter, we are even more aware of the profound implications of this proposition. The important position of ideological and political work in building a socialist cause with Chinese characteristics, which would have existed objectively and not with the will of the people, will cause losses to our cause if any man is upset or degraded. Under the impact of the “Leftist” trend of thought and the trend of bourgeois liberalization, we eats the “omnipotent theory” of ideological and political work and eats the “useless theory” of ideological and political work. Mistakes and setbacks have taught us that we must adhere to dialectical materialism in treating the status of ideological and political work, recognize the objectivity of the important status of ideological and political work on the one hand, and recognize the people’s position on ideological and political work on the other There is a certain subjectivity, that is, the status of ideological and political work is objective, but people have a subjective understanding of the reality of its placement is correct. When people
在改革开放的有利时机和重庆邮电体制改革后有利条件下,适时抓住邮电超前发展和重庆列为开放城市的历史性机遇,我局于1992年9月10日到11日召开了首次科技工作会议。 Under
对56例原发性眶内良性肿瘤,包括皮样囊肿、血管瘤、假瘤、泪腺混合瘤的临床表现、诊断与治疗作了分析。 56 cases of primary orbital benign tumors, including dermoid cy