在我家的不远处,是东江河。在河边长大的我,一直喜欢欣赏那青青的河边草。每当看到那青青的河边草,就会有一种难以言状的喜悦,所有烦恼的事就会烟消云散了。而现在,它只能给我带来美好的回忆。那份感情是多么的令我依依不舍,多么的令我如痴如醉,多么的令我流连忘返啊!时至今日,想至它,我仍能回忆起大自然的幽静和清闲, 我真想时刻都拥有这美丽的大自然。随着大堤加固工程的展开,河边草被推土机推得一干二净,在我的心目中,推土机不仅推去了可爱的河边草,也同时推
Not far from my home is the Dongjiang River. I grew up in the river, has always enjoyed enjoying the green river grass. Whenever you see the green river grass, there will be a kind of unspeakable joy, all the trouble will disappear. And now, it can only bring me good memories. That feeling is what makes me reluctant to leave, how mesmerizing I am, how much I linger ah! Now, think of it, I can still recall the quiet nature and leisure, I really Want to have this beautiful nature all the time. As the embankment reinforcement project unfolds, the river grass is pushed by the bulldozer. In my mind, the bulldozer not only pushes on the lovely river grass but also pushes