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本实验将新生家兔主动脉旁体嗜铬组织移入帕森氏病模型大鼠脑内,观察了对黑质纹状体损伤金行为的纠正情况及移植物的生长状况。47只经6-羟多巴胺损毁一侧黑质的大鼠(帕金森氏病模型鼠)分为5组:1.一点移植组(12只),4小块(每块约0.3mm~3)主动脉旁体组织移入尾壳核头部一个点;2.两点移植组(12只),在尾壳核头部选两个点,每点各移入4小块主动脉旁体组织;3.移植对照组(7只),等量的坐骨神经组织块移入尾壳核头部;4.非移植对照组(8只),仅做同样的手术而不植入任 In this study, the newborn rabbit aortic parallels chromaffin tissue into Parkinson’s disease model rat brain, the damage of the nigrostriatal damage gold behavior and graft growth status observed. Forty-seven rats with substantia nigra (Parkinson’s disease model mice) damaged by 6-hydroxydopamine were divided into five groups: 1. Little transplantation group (12 rats), 4 small blocks (each approximately 0.3-3) Aorta paraxial tissue into the caudate putamen head a point; 2. Two-point transplanted group (12), in the caudate putamen two head points, each point into 4 small aortic paranasal tissue; 3 . The control group (7), the same amount of sciatic nerve mass moved into the caudate putamen head; 4. Non-transplantation control group (8), only the same operation without implantation
Hans UlrichObrist?Everything YouAlways Wantedto Know AboutCurating?Forewordby Tino SehgalAfterword byYona Friedman书名:《你总想知道关于策展的一切事情,但又不敢问
Ultrasonic interferometry was utilized in conjunction with synchrotron-based X-ray diffraction and X-radiographic imaging to determine the compressional and she
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作者对1983~1988年欧洲、南北美洲、非洲和亚洲各国轮状病毒血清型的时间和地 The author of 1983 to 1988 in Europe, North and South America, Africa and Asia, rotavir