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我縣第三季度工作是以生產抗災為中心,防洪為重點,加强中耕夏鋤,結合打兽防疫等工作,與此同時,在學校暑假之際,組織教師及民间医生下鄉為農業生產服務,開展愛國衛生運動,和加强治疗工作,迅速制止了疫病的蔓延。大力組織財经部門收購農副業產品及土特產,及時供應農民的需要,溝通城鄉經濟,活躍農村初級市場,各部門均作了合拍有力的結合,解决了農民的困難,支持了農民的生產,因而加强了農民的抗災能力,保证了秋收。九月又学習了上級開於秋收、秋耕、秋種的指示,消除了幹部麻痹自满思想,積極起來發掘群众潛在力,启發群众智慧為明年的豐產铺平道路。 In Qixian County, the work in the third quarter focused on the production of disaster resistance and flood control, strengthened the cultivation of summer hoes and combined with bee epidemic prevention and other work. At the same time, during the school summer vacation, teachers and non-governmental doctors were organized to serve agricultural production in the countryside. , Carry out patriotic health campaigns, and strengthen treatment, quickly halting the spread of the epidemic. Vigorously organize the financial sector to acquire agricultural and sideline products and native products, the timely supply of farmers needs, communication of urban and rural economy, active rural primary market, all departments have made a coherent and effective combination to solve the difficulties of peasants, support peasants’ production, Thus strengthening the peasants’ resilience to disaster and ensuring the harvest in the autumn. In September, he also learned from his superiors instructions for opening autumn harvest, autumn harvest and autumn planting, eliminating the idea of ​​cadres paralyzing themselves into complacency, actively exploring the potential of the masses and inspiring the wisdom of the masses to pave the way for the next year’s harvest.
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1. 国务院总理朱镕基宣 布南水北调工程开工令2. 国务院副总理温家宝 作重要讲话3. 水利部部长汪恕诚在 主会场主席台就座4. 北京人民大会堂主会 场典礼现场 1. Premier Zh
1 概述五六十年代兴建的中小型水利工程,其放水闸门多采用滚桶及转盘闸门控制,在具体使用中因其存在启闭误差大、感性启闭、维修困难等缺点,现在已经逐渐改用竖井启闭塔平面
4、2002年南四湖地区发生百年不遇旱灾,湖区几近干 涸,为拯救南四湖生态,我委经过反复研究讨论,并 会同江苏、山东两省提出了南四湖应急生态补水方 案,经国家防总批准后,于1
【新華社北京七日電】本月四日人民日報社論‘爭取劳資關係更加正常化’,摘要如下: 目前全國私營企業中的勞資關係,基本上已趨於穩定。這是對生產很有利的條件。從(?)年到現