
来源 :人民军医 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yangzanJane
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因使用对氨柳酸钠发生剥脱性皮炎者甚属罕见。兹将本院所见一例介绍于下,以供参考。病例报告患者任××,男,25岁,未婚,四川籍,军人,1955年11月22日入院。主诉咳嗽、气促、轻微胸痛已一年,发热、吐痰、痰内带血已两个月,食欲及大小便正常。既往身体健康,个人及家族中无过敏反应史,父亲有结核病可疑。体格检查:体温39.7℃,脉搏94次,血压100/60毫米汞柱,发育正常,营养尚好,神志清晰,呈慢性重病容,皮肤无异常。胸廓正常,呼吸运动受限,左侧语颤增强,左上扣诊音较濁,听诊肺泡呼吸音明显减弱,并可听到隐约的水泡音,心音正常。腹平软,肝脾未触及,四肢脊柱正常,无病理神经反射。化验检查:血红蛋白9克,红血球384万,白血球19,100,中性83%、淋巴9%,酸性1%、鹼性1%、单核6%,瘧原虫(一),血沉(魏氏法)一小时99毫米,二小时118毫米,大便正常,小便 Because of the use of sodium dexamethasone exfoliative dermatitis is very rare. I will see an example of the hospital introduced below, for reference. Case report Ren × ×, male, 25 years old, unmarried, Sichuan membership, soldier, November 22, 1955 admission. Chief complaint of cough, shortness of breath, mild chest pain for one year, fever, spit, bloody sputum within two months, normal appetite and urine. Past physical health, personal and family history of anaphylactic reaction, his father suspected tuberculosis. Physical examination: body temperature 39.7 ℃, pulse 94 times, blood pressure 100/60 mm Hg, normal development, nutrition is still good, clear consciousness, chronic severe disease, no abnormal skin. Normal thoracic, respiratory movement is limited, the left tremor increases, the sound of the left upper lip more turbid, auscultation of alveolar breath sounds significantly weakened, and can hear the vague blisters sound, normal heart sounds. Abdomen soft, liver and spleen not touched, limb spine normal, no pathological nerve reflex. Laboratory tests: 9 grams of hemoglobin, erythrocytes 384 million, white blood cells 19,100, 83% of neutral, lymphatic 9%, acid 1%, alkaline 1%, mononuclear 6%, Plasmodium (a), ESR Hour 99 mm, two hours 118 mm, normal stool, urine
A French-styled villa sits in a garden at 1843,Huaihai Road Central, Shanghai. The last ownerof this villa was Madam Song Qingling, wife ofDr. Sun Yat-Sen (1866
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