鼓浪屿位于福建省厦门市西南, 与厦门隔海相望,仅1000米之遥。因岛上有一中空巨石,波浪拍打,其声如鼓, 故名“鼓浪屿”。鼓浪屿虽有街区闹市,却无车马之喧,这里空气清新,环境幽静,整个小岛,一年四季草木葱郁,鲜花竞放,故有“海上花园”之称。此外,令游人大为赞叹的是,此地居民普遍酷爱音乐,许多闻名中外的音乐家、歌唱家都诞生于此。漫步岛上,时闻琴声,其情其境,无不使人心旷神怡。主要旅游景点有:日光岩、菽庄花园、港仔后海滨浴场、郑成功纪念馆
Gulangyu is located in the southwest of Xiamen City, Fujian Province, across the sea from Xiamen, only 1,000 meters away. Because of the island has a hollow boulder, waves beat, its sound like a drum, hence the name “Gulangyu ”. Although Gulangyu downtown downtown, but no car horse noisy here, fresh air, quiet environment, the island, the lush vegetation all year round, the flowers compete, it is “Sea Garden ” said. In addition, the tourists greatly amazed that the residents generally love music, many famous Chinese and foreign musicians, singers were born here. Walk the island, when the piano heard the sound of its situation, all make people feel good. The main tourist attractions are: Sunlight Rock, Shuzhuang Garden, Aberdeen Hou Beach, Cheng Memorial Hall