木屑生料盆栽平菇,具有节能、省工、便于管理等优点,适于小规模生产,即利用花盆栽培。笔者曾多次采用木屑生料盆栽平菇,转化率均在100%以上。现将其方法介绍如下: (一)木屑处理与配料 木屑除去粗、长木块及其它杂质,以免影响拌料均匀度,然后晒干贮藏防霉烂。木屑颗粒小于5mm以下为宜,大粗不易吸水软化。将木屑用水(料水比1:5.5)浸泡36小时左右(木屑细,水温高时间则短,否则较长),为促软化和灭菌,可在水中加1.5%的生石灰,用试纸测pH8~9,滤去多余水分,加入1%磷酸铵,0.5%尿素,0.15%磷酸镁,0.2%磷酸二氢钾,6%玉米面,2%石膏,0.1%多菌灵,拌匀后含水量掌握在65%左右。 (二)装盆播种 需用漏水透气的盆(或30×20×20cm的木条箱),将料拌匀后分层铺在盆内,一层料一层种(点播或撒播),共3~4层,最上一层播种后压实盖上经消毒的纸板,用薄膜密封。
Raw materials of potted mushrooms in pots are energy-saving, labor-saving and easy to manage. They are suitable for small-scale production, that is, they are cultivated in pots. I have repeatedly used sawdust raw potted mushrooms, the conversion rates are above 100%. Now the method is described as follows: (A) wood chips and ingredients to remove rough wood, wood and other impurities, so as not to affect the uniformity of spices, and then dry storage mildew. Sawdust particles less than 5mm is appropriate, big crude is not easy to water softening. The sawdust water (material to water ratio 1: 5.5) soak for 36 hours (fine sawdust, water temperature is short, otherwise longer), in order to promote softening and sterilization, water can be added 1.5% quick lime, ~ 9, filter out excess water, add 1% ammonium phosphate, 0.5% urea, 0.15% magnesium phosphate, 0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate, 6% cornmeal, 2% gypsum, 0.1% Around 65%. (B) planting pots need to use leaking breathable basin (or 30 × 20 × 20cm in the box), the material mix evenly layered shop in the basin, a layer of material (on-demand or broadcast), a total of 3 to 4 layers, the top layer after sowing, compaction covered with sterilized cardboard, sealed with a film.