读图时代是伴随着现代人生活节奏的加快而降生的。当今世界精彩纷呈,资讯倍增,若要仔细阅读,时间成了问题。不少新闻事件的报道采用图片(摄影)形式出现,既能让读者产生视觉冲击,又能靠旁白的三言两语交待清楚事情的缘起。这种新颖的读图时代到来,是顺乎读者心意的。 读
The era of graphic reading is born with the acceleration of the pace of modern life. Nowadays, the world is full of colorful and prosperous information. To read it carefully, time becomes a problem. The coverage of many news stories appears in the form of pictures (photography), which not only gives the readers a visual impact, but also makes clear the cause of the affair in a few words. The arrival of this novel reading map is based on the reader’s mind. read