我科收治1例婴儿坏疽性皮炎患者,采用甲基强的松龙小量冲击治疗,取得良好效果,患儿痊愈出院。现报道如下。1 临床资料患儿男,16个月。因高热,臀部、大腿皮肤溃烂16天入院。起病时,患儿高热、呕吐、身上出现瘀斑,南京传染病医院诊断
I treated 1 case of infantile gangrenous dermatitis patients, the use of methylprednisolone small impact treatment, achieved good results, the children were discharged. Report as follows now. 1 clinical data in children male, 16 months. Due to high fever, buttocks, thigh skin ulceration admitted to hospital for 16 days. At onset, children with fever, vomiting, body ecchymosis, Nanjing Infectious Disease Hospital diagnosis