1972年以来,人们注意到应用左旋多巴治疗,取得较好疗效的特发性巴金森氏征的病人,有时犹如断电一样,突然症状恶化(off);过一定时间后,又像电流接通一样,症状好转(on)。这种好像有电键控制的现象,称为“开关”现象(on an off)。其类似现象有: 1.起伏现象(up and down) 左旋多巴通常是一天三次,饭后服用。一次服用效果可维持5—6小时,一般情况下,从早起到晚上就寝均能收到稳定效果。但是,治疗开始一年以后,有的病例一次服药后,效果维持时间缩短,在
Since 1972, people have noticed that patients with idiopathic Parkinson’s disease who have been treated with levodopa and who have achieved better efficacy sometimes feel like a power outage, with sudden deterioration of symptoms. After a certain period of time, Same, the symptoms improved (on). This seems to be the phenomenon of keying, known as the “on-off” phenomenon. Its similar phenomena are: 1. Undulating (up and down) Levodopa is usually three times a day, taken after a meal. A take effect can be maintained 5-6 hours, under normal circumstances, from early morning to night to sleep can receive a stable effect. However, one year after the start of treatment, in some cases, the effect is shortened once the medicine is taken