In order to reveal the bearing capacity characteristics and the contact characteristics between the pile and the soil, the two-dimensional discrete element (DEM) was used to analyze the pile-soil contact characteristics with different screw spacings. Based on the large scale direct shear test program of the screw pile-soil interface, a discrete element model of the simulation experiment is established. Through the servo loading mechanism of the simulation test, a constant pressure is applied in the normal direction of the contact surface, and then the base plate of the contact surface is horizontally moved to be sheared to obtain the relationship between the shear displacement and the shear stress under different thread numbers, the void ratio distribution map and Force chain transmission mechanism. Discrete element analysis shows that there is an optimal thread spacing, which maximizes the ultimate shear strength of the contact surface. An arcuate failure surface appears in the soil around the contact surface between the pile and the soil of the screw pile. The microscopic mechanism is consistent with the laboratory observation.