著名秦腔须生演员,我们的老师阎更平逝世一周年了。为继承阎师技艺,激励后辈,含泪提笔写下这篇拙文,以表深切悼念之情! 阎更平一九一八年出生在长安县曹村一个贫农家庭,十四岁入科学艺,度过了五十多年的艺术生涯。他的戏路宽广,文武不挡,唱做俱佳,黑须白髯,各自传神。多年来演出过大小折子戏、本戏一百多出。十六岁那年,就主演了《全家福》、《八件衣》、《卖画劈门》、《大回荆州》,《五子夺魁》等戏,一年之后又演出了文武并重的折子戏《临潼山》,当时在群众中反响特别强烈。一九三五年他随剧社赴郑州演出,一位观众在报纸上发表评论说:“阎更平饰《临潼山》里的唐李渊,身架英武洒脱,表演真切细
The famous Shaanxi opera singer, our teacher Yan Kweiping died the first anniversary. In order to inherit Yan Shijie’s art and inspire his younger generation to write down this Zhuo Wen in tears, Yan Mabing was born in 1918 in a poor peasant family in Caocun, Chang’an County. At the age of 14, Spent fifty years of artistic career. His wide play field, civil and military do not block, sing to do all the best, black mustache, their vivid. Over the years performed the size of the play, the play more than a hundred out. At the age of sixteen, he staged a series of operas such as “family portrait”, “eight pieces of clothes”, “selling paintings”, “big return to Jingzhou” and “winner of the five children” Lintong Mountain “, at that time the response was particularly strong among the masses. In 1935 he went to Zhengzhou with the drama department, and an audience commented in the newspaper: ”Yan Liuping decorated“ Lintong Mountain, ”where Tang Liyuan, stand free and easy, show really fine