中央政府与香港特区政府签署的《内地与香港关于建立更紧密经贸关系的安排》,简称CEPA(Closer Economic Partnership Arrange-ment),将于2004年1月1日起生效。其基本框架就是实现大陆与香港之间的“零关税”贸易,实现服务贸易自由化与贸易投资便利化。与中国大陆的人世承诺相比,CEPA 对香港的开放力度更大,并有针对性地扶持香港特区中小型企业的发展,是中央促进香港经济发展的一个重要举措。
The CEPA (Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement), signed between the Central Government and the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government, will take effect on January 1, 2004. Its basic framework is to achieve “zero tariff ” trade between the mainland and Hong Kong, and realize the liberalization of service trade and the facilitation of trade and investment. Compared with the pledges promised by mainland China, CEPA is more open to Hong Kong and targeted to support the development of SMEs in Hong Kong SAR is an important measure taken by the Central Government to promote Hong Kong’s economic development.