从 8 0年代到 90年代 ,我国大中城市先后建立了“菜篮子工程” ,机械化养鸡场如雨后春笋 ,导致鸡粪泛滥成灾。另一方面由于鸡没有咀嚼器官 ,消化道又较短 ,饲料中的营养成分没有充分吸收就排出体外 ,因此鸡粪中仍残留着大量的营养物质 ,矿物质含量高且品种全 ,是一种极具开发潜
From the 1980s to the 1990s, large and medium-sized cities in China successively established the “vegetable basket project”, and the mechanized chicken farms springing up, causing the chicken manure to overflow. On the other hand due to the chicken without chewing organ, digestive tract and short, the nutrients in the feed is not fully absorbed excreted, so there is still a large number of residual nutrients in chicken manure, high in mineral content and variety, is a Very potential for development