素有“欧洲花园”之称的荷兰王国由3部分组成:位于西欧的荷兰、位于加勒比海地区的荷属安的列斯群岛以及阿鲁巴岛。其本土的西部、北部濒临北海,东面与德国相邻,南面和比利时接壤,国土面积41526平方千米,略大于比利时,是德国的1/9。 荷兰国土的大部分地区地势较平坦,东部和南部多为丘陵,北部和西部的大多数区域位于海平面以下,主要是带有人工排水设施的堤坝围垦地,占全部国土面积的25%以上。位于东南部的瓦尔瑟山是整
Known as “European Garden,” said the Kingdom of the Netherlands consists of three parts: the Netherlands in Western Europe, the Netherlands Antilles in the Caribbean and Aruba. Its native western part borders the North Sea to the north and its neighbor to Germany to its east and Belgium to the south, with a land area of 41,526 km 2, slightly larger than that of Belgium and 1/9 of that of Germany. Most parts of the Dutch territory are relatively flat, with mostly hilly areas in the east and south, with most of the northern and western areas lying below sea level, mainly dams, with artificial drainage facilities, accounting for more than 25% of the total land area. Walser mountains in the southeastern part are whole