In order to effectively use the land, Japan is studying the construction of large-scale and important structures underground. In doing so, it is advantageous in terms of earthquake resistance because underground structures receive less seismic forces than ground structures. In order to understand the seismic advantages of underground structures, Japan conducted seismic observations at the underground cave of the Chengshan Underground Hydropower Station, and observed 71 earthquakes in succession. Among them, the representative earthquake was Izu Oshima at 12:25 on January 14, 1978. Inshore earthquakes (M=7.0) and Mt.Cheng earthquakes at 17:16 on June 12, 1978 (M=7.4). After finishing and analysis, the following conclusions have been made: 1. The ratio between the maximum acceleration at 200 meters below ground and the maximum acceleration above ground is between 1/3 and 1, most of which are concentrated in 1/2.