【摘 要】
An alternative polymeric surfactant P(M3/St) was synthesized by solution polymerization of maleamic acid as hydrophilic monomer and styrene as hydrophobic monom
【机 构】
Department of Applied Chemistry, School of Science, Northwestern Polytechnical University,
【出 处】
Journal of Wuhan University of Technology(Materials Science
An alternative polymeric surfactant P(M3/St) was synthesized by solution polymerization of maleamic acid as hydrophilic monomer and styrene as hydrophobic monomer. Some factors that affect the yield and properties of the polymeric surfactant were investigated systemically. The surface tension of the polymeric surfactant reaches 37-38 mN/m. It is proved that the polymeric surfactant shows very good surface activity and emulsifying ability. The TG analysis shows that the temperature of the thermal degradation can reach 314.4 ℃. It will be used as a new type of polymeric surfactant.
An alternative polymeric surfactant P (M3 / St) was synthesized by solution polymerization of maleamic acid as a hydrophilic monomer and styrene as hydrophobic monomer. Some factors that affect the yield and properties of the polymeric surfactant were investigated systemically. The surface tension of the polymeric surfactant reaches 37-38 mN / m. It is demonstrated that the polymeric surfactant shows very good surface activity and emulsifying ability. The TG analysis shows that the temperature of the thermal degradation can reach 314.4 ° C. It will be used as a new type of polymeric surfactant.
Graves病的甲状腺功能亢进(甲亢)是由于甲状腺刺激抗体(thyroid-stimulating antibodies,TSAb)与甲状腺细胞膜受体相互作用的结果,甲状腺切除后抗体滴度常下降,症状缓解,因
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