在二胡演奏中,乐曲思想感情的表达,揉弦起着极其重要的作用。揉弦使原发音的音色得到渲染和美化,使旋律富有歌唱性的效果,更能适应喜怒哀乐各种情感,从而更准确地表现乐曲的思想内容。揉弦是以乐曲内容为基础,在用法上有一定的目的性。 关于二胡的揉弦法,以前曾有过两种不同的主张:一是主张以指关节为主的内外压弦;另一是主张以腕关节为主的上下波动揉弦。这种争论,在当时因新作品还未大量出现,是带有某种局限性的。后来,随着社会主义建设事业的发展,在党的文艺方针指导
In erhu performance, the expression of music thoughts and feelings, knead string plays an extremely important role. Vibrating the string so that the tone of the original pronunciation to be rendered and landscaping, the melody full of singing effect, more able to adapt to emotions emotions, so as to more accurately reflect the musical content. Vibrato is based on the music content, there is a certain purpose in the usage. On the erhu rubbing method, there have been two different claims: First, advocate the knuckles of the internal and external pressure chords; the other is advocated to the wrist-based fluctuating upper and lower vibration. This controversy was somewhat limited due to the fact that new works had not yet appeared in large quantities at the time. Later, with the development of the cause of building socialism, guided by the party’s literary guidelines